Sister Communities
SouthgateOpens in new tab
14A Merry Lane, Greenville, NC 27858
Phone Number (252) 558-1701- Beds: 1 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 700 -to 1600
- Baths: 1 -to 3
- Type: Apartment.
$979to - $1,370Reserve this home TODAY for only $1,099.00 PER MONTH on a 15-month lease. Stipulations apply, and specials are subject to change.Apply Now
Colony VillageOpens in new tab
3301 Brunswick Avenue, New Bern, NC 28562
Phone Number (252) 772-9556- Beds: 1 -to 3
- Sq. Ft.: 625 -to 1000
- Baths: 1 -to 2
- Type: Apartment.
$999to - $1,299Reserve this home TODAY for only $1,299.00 PER MONTH on a 15-month lease. Stipulations apply, and specials are subject to change.Apply Now